Finally we’ve been able to update the design of this cherished newsletter. Can you spot the difference? Also, hearty congratulations for 30 years of good work: giving sight to the blind in all those places where healthcare access is a … Read more
Building resilience with trust
Absolutely thrilled with our first project with a new client and delighted with the synergy in spite of the steep learning curve with regards to the world of compliance. This video is a testament to getting the work completed in … Read more
A Compendium
…that needs updating.
Behold, a summary of my work from the past few decades. There’s so much more that was done that can’t quite possibly fit into these pages so I’ve picked their best glimpses. I only ask your patience as I organise … Read more
Happy April Fool’s!
With a video joke to remember
The joke’s a year old but the promise is still fresh. In fact, fresher than it’s ever been. Check Qbo out. NOW! Featuring the amazing video craft of Laurence Yates!