I remember Ayden

Paper card in hand

Pleasant surprise to find my long departed old pal on iTunes this morning of my birthday. It was just a random search I swear. I’ve long had the habit of waxing sentimental on my birthdays as I tend to take stock of myself and my world and get all thankful for all the amazing people who’ve chosen to call me their friend, the opportunity to do likewise, the awesome places and experiences I’ve had the privilege to immerse myself in and all. Today in particular, I wished Ayden or Amran (as he was known to his closest) was here in person. We’d have a good chat, a good laugh and we’d take stock together. Ah well. Taken from us all too soon and all too suddenly with only his memories and his legacy: a CD full of love songs, thoughtful love songs, his last great effort only days before his actual passing.

Thank you Amran for giving me hope at a time when I had none. Now I wish on this day, for more people to get to know you and the songs you wrote and that they’d be moved, just as we were.

Ayden’s music can be heard on iTunes here.

This is us when we were both about 20:
